Concrete Supply's Awards & Accomplishments

We pride ourselves on our high quality work and truly appreciate when our hard work is acknowledged. We humbly accept the accolades and awards presented to us. These awards serve as further motivation for us to continue giving customers the most outstanding products and customer service.


Award of Excellence NW 10th Street Improvements Waukee - Iowa’s “Best” Municipal Streets/Intersections PCC Paving Project (>15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA

Award of Excellence Stratford Crossing Plats 6,7,8 Waukee - Iowa’s “Best” Subdivision PCC Paving Project (>15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA 


Excellence in Concrete Award Hidden Creek Multi-Use - Ankeny - Parking Areas/Drives (<1,000 CY). Sponsored by: IRMCA and American Concrete Institute - Iowa Chapter

Excellence in Concrete Award Scharnberg Barn - St Charles - Residential Decorative. Sponsored by: IRMCA and American Concrete Institute - Iowa Chapter

Excellence in Concrete Award City Campus Amphitheater - West Des Moines - Commercial/Industrial Decorative. Sponsored by: IRMCA and American Concrete Institute - Iowa Chapter

Excellence in Concrete Award ISU Student Innovation Center - Ames - Mid-Rise Buildings. Sponsored by: IRMCA and American Concrete Institute - Iowa Chapter

Award of Excellence River Woods Phase 1&2 - Dallas County - Iowa’s “Best” Subdivisions PCC Paving Project (<15,000 SY) Sponsored by: IRMCA

Award of Excellence Dallas County, IMN-080-3(211)107--0E-25/MPIN-080-4(718) --0N-25 I-80- Iowa’s “Best” Concrete Pavement Restoration PCC Paving Project. Sponsored by: IRMCA and Iowa DOT


Excellence in Concrete Award Krause Gateway Center - Des Moines Mid-Rise Buildings. Sponsored by: IRMCA and American Concrete Institute - Iowa Chapter

Excellence in Concrete Awards Waterford Road Paving - Urbandale Streets and Intersections. Sponsored by: IRMCA and American Concrete Institute - Iowa Chapter

Excellence in Concrete Awards Des Moines Water Works Park Phase 1 - Des Moines Recreational Trails. Sponsored by: IRMCA and American Concrete Institute - Iowa Chapter

Excellence in Concrete Awards Weakland/Ciardo Residence - Ames Residential Above-Grade Homes. Sponsored by: IRMCA and American Concrete Institute - Iowa Chapter

Award of Excellence Stratford Crossing Plats 1-3 - Waukee - Iowa’s “Best” Subdivision PCC Paving Project (>15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA

Award of Excellence Waterford Road - 156th St. to 170th St - Urbandale - Iowa’s “Best” Municipal Streets/Intersections PCC Paving Project (>15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA


Award of Excellence Polk County, IMN-080-5(342)144-0E-77 I-80: S14 Interchange to S. Skunk River - Iowa’s “Best” Concrete Pavement Restoration PCC Paving Project. Sponsored by: ICPA and Iowa DOT

Award of Excellence Clayton Estates Plat 2 - Waukee - Iowa’s “Best” Subdivision PCC Paving Project (<15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA

Award of Excellence N. James Street Over the Little Beaver Creek - Grimes - Iowa’s “Best” Urban Arterials/Collectors PCC Paving Project (<15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA

Award of Excellence Glynn Village Plat 10 - Waukee - Iowa’s “Best” Subdivision PCC Paving Project (>15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA

Excellence in Concrete Award Stadium View Apartments - Ames Parking Areas/Drives (>1,000 CY). Sponsored by IRMCA

Excellence in Concrete Award Skunk River Trail Extension, Phase 2 - Ames Recreational Trails. Sponsored by: IRMCA


Award of Excellence Hickory Lodge Plat 4 - Van Meter - Iowa’s “Best” Subdivision PCC Paving Project (<15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA

Award of Excellence Fox Creek Estates Plat 6 - Waukee - Iowa’s “Best” Subdivision PCC Paving Project (>15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA

Excellence in Concrete Award Jack Trice Stadium Improvements, South End Zone - Ames Commercial Above - Grade Buildings. Sponsored by: IRMCA

Excellence in Concrete Award Jack Trice Stadium Improvements, South End Zone - Ames Commercial/Industrial Buildings (>5,000 CY). Sponsored by: IRMCA

Excellence in Concrete Award AEG Restoration Project - Des Moines Commercial/Industrial Decorative. Sponsored by IRMCA

Excellence in Concrete Award Merchants Bonding Company - West Des Moines Commercial/Industrial Buildings (<5,000 CY). Sponsored by: IRMCA

Award of Excellence Glynn Village Plat 8 - Waukee - Iowa’s “Best” Subdivision PCC Paving Project (>15,000 SY) Sponsored by: ICPA

Excellence in Concrete Award 78th Ave & Upper Spillway Gorge Repairs Johnston - Public Works Structures Sponsored by: IRMCA

Excellence in Concrete Award Madrid Bridge & Recreational Trail - Madrid Recreational Trails and Paths. Sponsored by: IRMCA

*Iowa Concrete Paving Association – ICPA     Iowa Ready Mix Association – IRMCA